For a New Engagement Model

Beyond Performance Evaluation

Implement Continuous Feedback, OKRs and the small improvements that radically increase Productivity and Employee Engagement at work.

Did you know?

PatPat360 has been recognized by (founded by John Doerr) among the best OKR tools.

Many features associated with everyday work applications but streamlined for OKR best practices

PatPat360 is an OKR software developed in Italy with many features associated with everyday work applications but streamlined for OKR best practices.

Its central dashboard is very Facebook-esque, with avatars of organization members giving updates on “The Wall.” From there, users can navigate in a sidebar to “My Objectives,” which is where OKRs live. Here, OKRs can be dragged and rearranged in a Trello-like board for status updates with comments.

But what stands out with PatPat360 is the way OKRs can be streamlined from the bottom up. A leader can provide goal-setting parameters for anyone in their department or organization and have them develop and submit their OKRs that fit these criteria for approval. This is the basis of why OKRs were developed. That when “people help choose a course of action, they are more likely to see it through.”

CFR & OKRs… what?

CFR = Conversations, Feedback, and Recognition
OKRs = Objectives and Key Results

PatPat360 builds on these two approaches to promote a new way of working.

Employee Experience

A social network that makes employees feel part of a supportive community and meets Millennials’ expectations.

Objectives and Key Results

An OKR-based goal-setting approach to align individual, team, and company goals and move from individual success to collective growth.

Continuous Feedback and Praise

Different types of praise and rewards to establish a culture of feedback and recognition that makes talent shine and evolve.

Leadership and HROs

A set of modular features that empowers leaders to define challenging objectives, manage evaluations, and allocate rewards.

Informal Leaders and Networks

Organizational Network Analysis to detect informal leaders, strengthen successful informal networks, and leverage on cooperation.

Data Analysis and Decision-Making

Continuous data gathering and powerful algorithms on metadata to inform and support the decision-making process with meaningful insights.

How Big Corps rate us on Capterra and GetApp

Core functions: 4 Pillars


+23% profitability

thanks to employee engagement.
Gallup, 2020

Alignment on shared priorities and transparency increase employee engagement, cooperation,
and trust.


+10 to 20% in revenue

with regular recognition and praise.
Gallup, 2007

Connection creates a sense of belonging and purpose. Social recognition connects employees and boosts their performance.


+50% productivity

when employees feel valued and motivated.
Stanford Business, 2012

Widespread micro-incentives along with traditional incentive programs reward talent and grow employees’ motivation.


+30 to 50% in performance

when implementing an agile transformation.
McKinsey, 2020

Powerful metadata analytics help spot informal networks, empower leaders, and identify those success stories that can become a best-practice.

Curious to see it yourself?

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